Play encourages positivity, energises us and inspires curiosity. At PlayWell, we use it as the basis for all our work: in workshops, performances, talks and campaigns.
Psychologists and Mental Health professionals have long recognised the healing powers of play. Instead of seeing it as trivial or childish, there is now a widening belief that it is a pillar of positive mental and physical wellbeing. At PlayWell, we are passionate about celebrating this idea.
When we are struggling we:
Feel like we are failing
Stop listening to ourselves and others
Think we are not enough
We believe that play enables us to look at problems with fresh eyes, develop trust and grow our collective confidence. Play teaches us that nothing is set in stone and everything is full of potential; we use it to find solutions, to connect, to be creative and to have fun.

After working with us, participants are equipped with techniques they can use to bring a bit of joy into everyday life.

Further reading


Our workshops are joyful, interactive and delivered with personality. We help teams improve their culture and create environments that will better support their wellbeing.
Our productions are charming, playful and get to the heart of who we are as people. We bring audiences together to share joyful and interactive experiences using clown, improvisation and a lot of audience participation.
Our Founder Lauren shares techniques of how using play can encourage and promote positive wellbeing and what we as individuals and organisations can do to support each other.
Our immersive experiences look to restore and support participants’ health and wellbeing. We develop multi-purposes spaces with communities and companies for relaxation and restoration